Saturday, July 01, 2006

Gabriel's Day and Fourth Floor Collapse

By virtue of their mildly interesting names Gabriels Day and Fourth Floor Collapse were able to coerce me down to the Carlton Music Room one chilly evening. I will acknowledge at this point that I was probably in a bad music mood for music appreciation that night after having seen a Melbourne University production of Cabaret.

This production turned out to be not from the original play as I expected nor the excellent movie adaptation but instead I was subjected to an interpretation in the form of a Broadway musical. I had never seen a musical before and by the mercy of God I will never have to again. It was just fucking awful. Incidentally I later met up with several of the cast and crew of this travesty at a party. I can’t remember exactly what happened but I think I drunkenly managed to pretty much offend everybody involved in the project with my reproaches and the young assistant director to refuse to even talk to me or acquiesce to my advances.

But I digress. Anyway I’m really pleased that the Dan O’Connel Pub has opened up a live music venue and they generally have some respectable bands there but they certainly didn’t on this particular night. Gabriel’s Day and Fourth Floor Collapse I’ll henceforth refer to them as Fourth Day share the popular practice of writing songs just for the sake of it. The difference between Fourth Day and most songwriters though is that those common songwriters didn’t, that night anyway, have the nerve to take my money and time in return for their bagatelles. In my post on the Drones I talked about emotion in music, Fourth Day are an example of a band who have no instill no emotion unless perhaps apathy into their music and who just don’t understand or at least don’t practice the notion of writing song with any meaning. I mean it was just ridiculously mediocre.

Last Friday night on Rage I actually saw a Fourth Floor video and it was fucking awful. They band played soft rock, the singer sung in that horrible emo style and the video was sucky.

So after sitting through the whole of Gabriels Day and most of Fourth Floor Collapse I hightailed it out of there and straight on to the Old Bar wherein I finally found something to make good my night...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were lured by the band's name? Fourth Floor Collapse would immediately have set off emo alarm bells for me, I reckon. I guess I'm just paranoid.

12:12 AM  
Blogger James said...

You're paranoid about indie bands. Did you have a bad childhood experience?

12:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From your knowledge of music I'd suggest the cabaret show may have been just dandy. get over your anger you squeezer!

8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would hardly class fourth floor collapse as emo.....maybe have a closer listen next time....

9:48 PM  
Blogger James said...

well i wasn't calling them emo at all. I was merely pointing out that the music is mediocre, lifeless and specifically without emotional content.

But emberassingly rereading this post i see that I made a lot of grammatical errors, which may have confused things. Sorry all.

4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mediocre, lifeless and specifically without emotional content.......mmmm many would disagree. did you know that Fourth Floor Collapse were in the top 25 for the Australian Music Prize.....they're one of the most 'lifeful & emotional' bands i've seen live, maybe you caught them on a bad night...each to there own :)

10:11 PM  

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